Friday, July 25, 2008


Sacramento is the city where dreams go to die.


Julie said...

Aww, how sad. I hope this your post isn't referring to something serious. I'm really hoping and praying for you that all is well and you're just referring to the fugliness of some of the neighborhoods. (My mom lives in Sac, and I hate going there.)

Glad to at least know you're alive. I've been wondering how you and Salome are. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry:-( It'll get better someday. Wishing you three the best.


Salome said...

Yo, Pope! Things have gotten better, you must post again.

Anonymous said...

Geez buddy! It hain't that bad... not like Lennie and George on the edge of the Salinas River. You'll still get that "... little place with a potbelly stove, and some chickens and rabbits!" Yes, my friend, and you get the tend the rabbits!
See, it's not that bad... just don't dream so much.