Friday, November 16, 2007

An Open Letter to All My (three) Readers

Dear Readers,

Bless you.
I'm new at this, and you have been wonderfully supportive, providing comments and insights with each new blog, and it makes me think that each one of you are wonderful human beings, or that you maybe owe me money.

As a few of you have been turned on to me by my wife, I strongly suspect it's the former. Especially since I don't loan out money, and I happen to know each of you personally (apart from the occasional 'lurker' out there, to whom I say a hearty 'welcome'). Moreover, I have been amazed by each and everyone one of you.

I am not as creative as my wife (for example, I don't knit), so coming up with names that protect your anonymity while giving voice to your characteristics is something I shall have to rely upon her for. Apart from 'DB', I think that all of you are aptly christened, and that we have only scratched the surface of the wonder that you are. What follows is in no particular order:

'DB'- You are anything but. You actually intimidate me at times, because there is a keen and lively brain that understands more than you let on, and a core that works on a deeper level than you perhaps would ever care to admit. But it is coupled with the most humble and generous spirit that I have ever come across. Forgive me, but there have been times when I've deliberately decieved you so that we would do the things that you wanted to do, because I know you would put others needs beyond your own. The capacity of your heart supercedes my own, and you serve as a model for me. I shall come up with a different name for you. 'DB' is a complete misnomer...

Lakshmi- There are universes within you. I have grown to love and appreciate the face that you present to the world, but you know there is more, and I worry that you are afraid to let it out. Don't. You have become dear to me, and I am so grateful for the laughter; for the agility of mind that you evince every time we see you. I am grateful for what you mean to Salome, and at this moment, metaphorically, I am gripping your face and saying to you: 'share that goodness within you.' This world needs it. If there is one gift you have, it is the gift of hope. You haven't yet done what you were meant to. Get to it.

Skroll- Thank you. Thank you for the companionship that you have shared with Salome, and for the objectivity that you bring to your conversations. It's with no light words I use to say that you have saved our relationship on more than one occasion. At times you have taken my side when you've heard the stories of our tempestuous relationship. At times you have taken hers. And over the years, I have realized that you have a keen mind that can weed through emotional turmoil to get to the heart of the matter. I thank you for this, but moreover, I am so grateful that Salome has such a wonderful friend in her life. You can take me to task anytime: you've earned my respect and I will listen.

Gaia: I don't know if you are reading or not. But you are one of those rare people without artiface: what you are is what we see, without pretense or posturing. I have never met someone so adept at making others feel welcome, valued, and appreciated. Nor have I ever met one who who speaks truth with love, nor forgives with such egalitarianism. You have brought forth beauty on this earth, and it is through these two gifts that I have shed my cynicism and believed in the power of family. Thank you.

Salome: Yours shall be the shortest of all. You are my life.

CLP: I don't know if you are reading or not: perhaps you aren't but may one day dig into the archives of this worthless old blog. I want you to know that you have been one of the greatest gifts that Salome has ever had. I had hoped and wished that that would be me. Now, at least, I hope I rank. But I know that there are friendships that endure forever, and yours is one. Thank you for protection of her. For the unwavering support you have shown. Thank you for the ways, both large and small, that you show your love. You are a wonderful person, and it is my wish that as the years go by (provided she doesn't divorce me for all of my money) I will have the privilege of knowing you more.

Jonathon: Thanks for the comments, and thanks for your thoughtful reads. Thanks for supporting Salome in her blogging endeavors, and adding thoughtful comments of your own. My prayers are with your family.

And to all, en masse, there will be entries that are funny (yes, I DO possess a sense of humor), or thoughtful and reflective. There will be spiritual ones as well, as I struggle to bring this 21st century into a theological and decidedly Judeo-Christian worldview that I can live within. This is a journal which I invite you all to share in, to challenge me in, to bring your own thoughts to the fore.

All of you whom I've mentioned, you are valued.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww DB is touched. Me I give you hope love and happyness and a whole lot of money. So I can borrow some from you someday:-)
